Folder Stucture Upload (Zip Upload)

Folder Structure Upload (Zip Upload)

To populate the data room with an existing folder structure, click Zip Upload.


  • Add Files: Select the zip file for upload, and click the trash can to remove selected files.
  • Settings: Set the settings for the files.
    • ​Security Level: The security level (1-9) determines whether or not the user will see this file. Users will see files at their assigned security level and below.
    • Security Section: Files can be tagged with a custom security section. Users will see files within their security level and below with their assigned sections and without a section.
    • Ignore Duplicates: The default is (Yes) to ignore duplicate files. If set to (No), duplicate files will be uploaded with an appended number or overwritten.
    • Overwrite file if exists: If Ignoring duplicates is (No), this determines if the file will be uploaded with an appended number or overwritten/replaced.
    • Document Overrides: The default is (No); if (Yes), you can override the room default settings for downloading, printing, text selection, watermarking, and thumbnails for the selected files.
      • You will see the default set as (Yes) or (No) and can choose to override with (Yes) or (No)
  • Summary: Lists how many files will be uploaded and the settings you have chosen for all files in the upload session.