Archiving A Room

Archiving a data room is a way to retain a complete copy of the data(folders/files) in the data room. A data room can be archived at any time without impacting the accessibility of the data.

Each archive includes all of the folders/files from the room, a listing of all users, the Files Clicked Report, File History Report, Login History Report, and Communication Report.

Click "Edit Room" from the Documents screen, select Archive, then Start Archive. Once your archive is ready, you will receive a notification email. Navigate back to the Archive tab and click the download button from your available archives list. The archive will be a zip file.

Note: The folder/file names within the application are not restrictive in length to allow for the greatest flexibility. However, Windows is limited to a 255 character folder path length for folder/file names. If you receive a message that the "archive is invalid', this error is due to the Windows folder/file path limitation. We suggest using a free zip utility called 7-Zip which will automatically rename the folder/file paths and successfully unzip the archive. 

Additionally, for a data room to archive, folder/file names should not contain the following characters: / \ :* ? “ < > | [ ] { } which are not allowed by Microsoft or are restricted for system security purposes.