10 File Naming Conventions & Best Practices


File naming conventions are essential for maintaining an organized and efficient file system. They help users easily identify, locate, and manage files. Here are the best practices for file naming conventions: The consistent purpose is to enable the use and portability of folders and documents across all platforms, applications, intercompany, and archive consistency.


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  1. Use Descriptive and Clear Names:
    • Use brief, clear, meaningful names that accurately describe the file's content.
    • Avoid generic names like "document" or "file." Instead, include specific details to differentiate between similar files.
  1. Include Keywords:
    • Incorporate relevant keywords in the "description section" to improve searchability. Think about terms that others might use when searching for the content. This description will provide the details and be available for review by selecting "Read More."
  1. Follow a Consistent Format:
    • Establish and adhere to a consistent naming format. This consistency simplifies navigation and helps users predict file and file names based on previous experience.
    • For example, you might use underscores, hyphens, or camel case to separate words.
  1. Include Dates Appropriately:
    • If dates are relevant to the file, include them in a consistent format: year, month, date 2023-11-12. The proper date is particularly useful for version control and tracking changes and is the only format universally searchable across all applications and platforms. It is recommended not to use any alfa month date. 
  1. Avoid Special Characters and Spaces:
    • Avoid special characters, duplicate spaces, and symbols that may cause issues with your operating systems or applications.
    • Stick to alphanumeric characters and common symbols like underscores or hyphens. Never end file names or folders in special characters, including a period.
  1. Keep File Names Concise:
    • Aim for concise yet informative file names. Long names can be unwieldy and incapable in most applications and systems.
  1. Use Version Numbers for Revisions:
    • Consider including version numbers in the file name if the file undergoes revision updates. Changing a version with new uploads will avoid conflicts in the document storage, which helps track the evolution of the document or project.
  1. Limit Length:
    • Keep file and folder names reasonably short to improve readability. Long names can be cumbersome and fail in most applications.
    • Aim for a length that is easily manageable and provides enough information. There is a 100-character limit on file names and a 50-character limit on folder names.
  1. Be Mindful of Case Sensitivity:
    • Be aware of case sensitivity in file systems. Choose a consistent approach to avoid confusion, such as all lowercase or camel cases.
  1. Organize Files in Folders:
    • Combine effective file naming with a well-organized folder structure. Group related files together in folders to enhance overall organization and ease of access. Although folder depth can be unlimited, going beyond three folders deep is not recommended to allow users to locate files and folders easily. Keep the folder structure hierarchy simple.

Naming Conventions are universally standard, and applicable guidelines allow consistency across all applications. You may need to adapt specifics to your policies based on your organization's or industry's needs. This will, however, require the general rules of naming conventions to be applicable in your procedures.

In Conclusion, it is advisable to create a company-wide standard template and alter it with minimal changes to accommodate various transaction structures. 




