Drip Campaigns


A drip campaign is a tool that sends out a delayed automated email based on status changes or events in order to increase reactivity from leads and prospects. To create a drip campaign, first open the tool by navigating to Marketing > Drip Campaigns.


Click "+ New Drip Campaign."


Fill out all the fields. It is recommended you change Enable Drip to "No" until you are sure your email flow is set up.

  • Name:
  • Enable Drip:
  • Trigger Field: This field within the database will interact and create the drip functionality.
  • Trigger Logic: This is how the field is changed. "To" means that an email will be queued if a certain Status Trigger is selected. "From" means an email will be sent if that Status Trigger is changed away from what is selected. "Any" means that any change to the field whatsoever will trigger an email to be sent.
  • Status Trigger:
  • Delay Time: This is in the days when the email will be sent. The minimum amount of time is 1 day.
  • Template: Choose the template from the dropdown to which the email content will be dropped.
  • From Name: This is the name that the emails will appear to come from.
  • From Address: This is the email address that the emails will appear to come from. This will also be what they will be able to reply to.


Click Save once done.


If you want to stop a drip campaign at any time, set Enable Drip to no in the edit screen. To start it again, set it to yes. Please note that any email triggered while enabled is set cannot be paused or stopped. This is a completely automated process.


Note: Cool Life must set up any fields you want to have made into triggers via a ticket. Otherwise, they won't be available in the drip tool.

(Admin side: Set the field in question to "Use For Drips" in the Database Tool. MUST be a Drop Down.)