
In most cases, your marketing deployments will share a lot in common in regards to their basic configuration and content layout. Templates are used to store this shared content and configuration, which then can be quickly loaded into a deployment as needed. For example, your company newsletters may all share the same branding, header and footer layout which could be used as a template's HTML body content. From there, the template can be loaded into every new newsletter deployment, and only the actual newsletter content itself would need to be manually inserted.

To create a new template, click on on the top left hand side of the screen. 
You are required to enter some basic details for every template, including a name, type, and email-related fields such as a subject line and from address.

The HTML body is the main template content that the vast majority of your end users will see. It is important to check how your content is displayed in multiple browsers and e-mail clients such as Outlook and Gmail, to ensure there are no inconsistencies.

Merge fields are placeholder values that represent data that is different for each individual recipient, such as their name or company. Using this drop down, you can insert merge fields into your e-mail content in order to create a more personalized message.

The text body is an alternate version of your template content that is plain text with no formatting or HTML-based content. While most end users will not see this content, it is important to have in order to follow accessibility standards and deliverability best practices.

When the template is complete, click on the Save button.