Search Engine Optimization

Keywords are what we use to search for products, services, and answers on search engines. Webpages can be optimized by assigning keywords to each page. Immediate identification of keywords will lead to effective marketing to your target audience.
  • Find the right keywords
    Be Savvy. Look for less obvious keywords. Avoid popular terms that could cost money. Take advantage of "organic" searches.
  • Avoid broad terms
    Be specific to what your website offers. Instead of saying "jewelry," use terms such as "gold necklace" or "silver ring." 
  • The Value of Repetition
    Repetition is a good tool, as long as there is a difference in the meaning of similar phrases. An example would be "dog food reviews" and "dog food comparison." This is a repetition of a keyword, but it has a different meaning.
  • Keyword Placement
    Different elements of HTML code are recognized by search engines. Placing your keywords in these places will increase the SEO power of your pages.
    • Title Tag: Not to be confused with page title, this defines the page title as it will appear in search results
    • Meta Description Tag: This appears on the Search Engine Results page right underneath the page title. Customize a meta description on every pageof your site.
    • Page Title: This is the actual title that vistors will see for each page of your site.
    • Site Text: Include your keywords repeatedly in the text of your site, but the text still needs to be readable. 3-6% density is suggested.
    • Repeated Links: Using your keywords in the links on your site shows their importance to search engines.
    • Alt Tags: Images on your site have the ability to define "alternate" text. Fill this with descriptive text of the image that includes some keywords. (This is originally intended for machines that read out Web pages to those who might have difficulty seeing the page.)
    • Filenames: Your filenames will show up in the URL for that page. Use this as another place to include keywords.
    • Your Domain Name: Having a domain name that includes a primary keyword boosts rankings in all search engines.
Engage your visitors
Give every page on your website a different description tag that focuses on the content of that specific page. Be sure to keep URLs readable to increase the chances of being clicked over non formatted URLs. Speed of the site does not account much for the search engine ranking, but it will effect the visitors patience and the visitor is more likely to close the window and switch to another site. Maintainging fresh content is a great way to increase your audience. Quality articles that are well written, grammatically correct, and meaningful to your audience are key. ​


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